Table of Contents

List of Use Cases

Labeled boxes showing the categories and names of all use cases.

High-level use cases:

Client Operations

  • GetCollection - Enumerates elements of a local or remote collection, with optional pagination and authentication.
  • GetObject - Accesses a local or remote object, with optional authentication.

Server Operations

  • CreateActor - Creates a new actor locally.
  • DeleteActor - Deletes a local actor and all related data.
  • UpdateActor - Updates a local actor.


  • AcceptObject - Emits an Accept activity for an object. Existing fedi software only accepts this in response to a follow request.
  • AddObjectTo - Emits an Add activity for a provided object and target collection. Implicitly undoes any previous RemoveObjectFrom. This is like Mastodon's "Pin to Profile" feature.
  • AnnounceObject - Emits an Announce activity for a provided object. This is like Mastodon's "Boost" function.
  • ArriveAt - Emits an [Arrive activity] for a provided location. This is not implemented by any known fedi software.
  • BlockObject - Emits a Block activity for a provided object. This is like Mastodon's "Block" feature. While this can be issued for any arbitrary object, existing fedi software only supports following Actor types.
  • CreateObject - Emits a Create activity for a provided object. This is like Mastodon's "Post" feature.
  • DeleteObject - Emits a Delete activity for a provided object. This is like Mastodon's "Delete" feature.
  • DislikeObject - Emits a Dislike activity for a provided object. Implicitly undoes any previous LikeObject. This is like Lemmy's "Downvote" function.
  • FlagObject - Emits a Flag activity for a provided object. This is like Mastodon's "Report" feature.
  • FollowObject - Emits a Follow activity for a provided object. This is like Mastodon's "Follow" and "Follow Request" features. While this can be issued for any arbitrary object, existing fedi software only supports following Actor types.
  • IgnoreObject - Emits an Ignore activity for a provided object. This is not implemented by any known fedi software.
  • InviteObjectTo - Emits an Invite activity for a provided object and target. This is like OfferObject, but extends the offer to a specific target. Invite activities are not implemented by any known fedi software.
  • JoinObject - Emits a Join activity for a provided object. Implicitly undoes any previous LeaveObject. This is not implemented by any known fedi software.
  • LeaveObject - Emits a Leave activity for a previously-joined object. Implicitly undoes any previous JoinObject. This is not implemented by any known fedi software.
  • LikeObject - Emits a Like activity for a provided object. Implicitly undoes any previous DislikeObject. This is like Mastodon's "Favorite" function.
  • ListenToObject - Emits a Listen activity for a provided object. This is like ViewObject but for audio.
  • MoveObject - Emits a Move activity for a provided object and target. Any two objects can be provided, but existing fedi software only supports actors. This is like Mastodon's "Account Migration" feature.
  • OfferObject - Emits an Offer activity for a provided object. This is not implemented by any known fedi software.
  • Question - Emits a Question activity. This is like Mastodon's "Poll" post type.
  • ReadObject - Emits a Read activity for a provided object. This is like a read receipt, and is not implemented by any known fedi software.
  • RejectObject - Emits a Reject activity for an object. Existing fedi software only accepts this in response to a follow request.
  • RemoveObjectFrom - Emits a Remove activity for a provided object and target collection. Implicitly undoes any previous AddObjectTo. This is like Mastodon's "Unpin from Profile" feature.
  • TravelBetween - Emits a Travel activity for a provided destination and/or source. This is not implemented by any known fedi software.
  • UndoObject - Emits an Undo activity for a provided activity. While it is possible to provide any arbitrary object, the semantics are undefined and not supported by any known fedi software. Make good choices - only Undo activities!
  • UpdateObject - Emits an Update activity for a provided object. This is like Mastodon's "Edit" feature.
  • ViewObject - Emits a View activity for a provided object. This is like ViewObject but for images.

Low-level use cases:

(not yet implemented)

See Also

  • Use Cases - software design notes for the Use Case architecture.